“Como usuarios de redes sociales y seres humanos aprendan a tener más empatía con los demás, nunca saben toda la historia”, trinó al revelar que estaba enferma.
La modelo dijo que sufría de la enfermedad de Hashimoto desde los 17 años.
También conocida como tiroiditis crónica, es causada por una reacción del sistema inmunológico contra la glándula tiroides.
For those of you so determined to come up w why my body has changed over the years, you may not know that when I started @ 17 I was not yet diagnosed w/Hashimoto’s disease; those of u who called me “too big for the industry” were seeing inflammation & water retention due to that.
— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) February 11, 2018
“A los que me decían que estaba ‘demasiado gorda para la industria’, lo que veían era inflamación y retención de líquidos”, señaló en uno de sus trinos.
Over the last few years I’ve been properly medicated to help symptoms including those, as well as extreme fatigue, metabolism issues, body’s ability to retain heat, etc ... I was also part of a holistic medical trial that helped my thyroid levels balance out.
— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) February 11, 2018
Although stress & excessive travel can also affect the body, I have always eaten the same, my body just handles it differently now that my health is better. I may be “too skinny” for u, honestly this skinny isn’t what I want to be, but I feel healthier internally and (cont)
— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) February 11, 2018
(cont) am still learning and growing with my body everyday, as everyone is.
— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) February 11, 2018
I will not further explain the way my body looks, just as anyone, with a body type that doesnt suit ur “beauty” expectation, shouldnt have to. Not to judge others, but drugs are not my thing, stop putting me in that box just because u dont understand the way my body has matured.
— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) February 11, 2018
Please, as social media users & human beings in general, learn to have more empathy for others and know that you never really know the whole story. Use your energy to lift those that you admire rather than be cruel to those u don’t.
— Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) February 11, 2018
También señaló que no daría más explicaciones sobre los cambios de su cuerpo.